Showing posts with label Writer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writer. Show all posts

Friday 14 March 2014

English for Business - Idioms

Do you need to improve your business vocabulary? You're in the right place! This article will help you feel more confident in your interviews as well as in business meetings and boardrooms from Singapore to Vancouver, from corporate offices to small corner shops.

Black market refers to illegal trade or places where such trade is carried on. Do not confuse it with the semi-legal "grey market". The "black market" was known as the "bootleg market" in America in the 1930s.
If you can't find it in the shops, try the black market but beware, the quality is not guaranteed.

Blank cheque originally meant a cheque that was signed by the payer but had no amount indicated, so that the payee could fill in the amount they wanted. Nowadays it refers to authorizing somebody to act as they see fit.
He got blank cheque to reform the department.

Above board describes legal business that is open to all its customers and has no hidden tricks designed to cheat people. It originates from the 17th century when players were asked to keep their hands above the table in order to prevent cheating at a card game.
His offer to buy the company was above board. 

Break your back stands for extremely hard work.
He broke his back to get the work done in time.

Business as usual means that everything is continuing in a normal way. This expression is mostly used to mark the end of a turbulent period.
The shop has opened after a month of repairs, so now it is business as usual. 

Business before pleasure means that responsibilities should come first, and enjoyment should come later.
You offer for lunch is attractive but business before pleasure.

Business is business is a way of saying that work-related matters and friendship (personal feelings) should be kept apart.
I will employ the best candidate and not a friend because business is business.

Cash cow stands for a product or a service that produces a steady flow of cash. 
This investment could be the cash cow we need to start a new project.

Cash in your chips is an expression used when a person sells something, usually stocks or shares, either because he or she needs money or because the value of those is expected to drop.
Mary cashed in her chips and is now looking for a new investment opportunity. 

Clinch a deal means coming to an agreement. There is an old proverb saying, "It is better a clinched deal than two clenched fists".
His final presentation enabled us to clinch a deal. 

Corner the market is a situation when a single business entity controls the whole market leaving no space for competition. This idiom dates back to the time of the Industrial Revolution. It uses "corner" in the sense of "drive would-be buyers into a corner".
Large companies, such as Wal-mart or Microsoft, are considered to have cornered their markets.

Creative accounting refers to a presentation of company results which are imaginative and misleading but not necessarily illegal. Creative accounting is often used to manage earnings and to keep debt off the balance sheet.
I'm sure that we can avoid arguments with our investors if we apply some creative accounting.

Cutting edge means that something is at the forefront or has the leading position in a given field.
Silicon Valley in California is at the cutting edge of IT technology.

Dead wood is an expression used to describe people or things that are useless or burdensome.
The board decided to reduce costs by cutting the dead wood.

Dog eat dog describes a situation of fierce competition when people fight only for themselves, with no concern for morality.
The only rule of this market is dog-eat-dog.

Donkey work is boring and repetitive work that everyone would like to avoid.
Even the interns will not do donkey work.

Dream ticket is a combination of two people who are considered to constitute a great team. It is often used during election campaigns to describe a presidential candidate and his would-be vice president.
Two of our best sales representatives working together are our dream ticket.

Finger in every pie describes someone who has an interest or is involved in a lot of different things, often in a way that people do not approve of.
He is interested in every aspect of this industry and has a finger in every pie.

Foot in the door describes someone who has accomplished the first stage or step.
The interview went really well. He has his foot in the door.

Get your hands dirty means involvement in all the aspects of a given task, not in just regular duties. It also means getting involved in something that might compromise your reputation.
If we want to meet the deadline, then we will all have to get our hands dirty. 

Get the show on the road means to start something or to put a plan into operation.
This cannot wait till tomorrow so let's get the show on the road.

Golden handshake is a generous incentive, usually money or some other benefit, that is given to a senior member of a company so that he accepts early retirement.
He received no golden handshake or pension after being dismissed by the electorate.

Upper hand is an advantage that someone has over competitors in the market. The term originates from the 15th century and refers to the driver who holds the whip in a horse-drawn vehicle. 
He has the upper hand in this fight.

Have one's hands tied describes a situation when a person cannot do something because of restrictions.
I would gladly support your cause but my hands are tied.

Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing means bad communication between departments or people within a company.
It will be hard to coordinate such a project here because in our office the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

Monkey business stands for deceitful conduct or questionable behaviour.
I don't trust their offer, there's some monkey business going on.

Ostrich strategy is used to label a risky financial decision that ignores an obvious problem. The idea comes from the supposed habit of ostriches that hide their head in the sand in order to avoid danger.
You will only make the situation worse by adopting the ostrich strategy .

Learn the ropes stands for learning something new. It is originally a nautical term implying that new recruits had to learn how to tie knots first in order to become true sailors.
This is a new position for him and he will need time to learn the ropes.

Square deal is an equitable arrangement or fair and honest transaction.
I assure you that this transaction is a square deal, thereby, beneficial to all. 

Take the floor is used when somebody is expected to formally address a group of people in a form of speech or presentation.
The Chairman will take the floor for a few moments before the staff party begins. 

Up and running is used to indicate movement from a lower to higher stage. In the business world it applies to a successful start of an operation or a project.
Our family business is up and running.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained means that one cannot profit without taking a risk. The expression dates back to 1300s and is also known as "no pain, no gain". 
It is impossible to make a profit without looking at the new markets, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Walk into the lion's den means stepping into a situation that will put you or your business in a vulnerable position.
By investing in unsecured market you are walking into the lion's den.

Idiom bahasa Inggris - Idioms in English

Idioms, can you guess their meanings?
  1. A penny for your thoughts
  2. Add insult to injury
  3. A hot potato
  4. Once in a blue moon
  5. Caught between two stools
  6. See eye to eye
  7. Hear it on the grapevine
  8. Miss the boat
  9. Kill two birds with one stone
  10. On the ball
  11. Cut corners
  12. To hear something straight from the horse's mouth
  13. Costs an arm and a leg
  14. The last straw
  15. Take what someone says with a pinch of salt
  16. Sit on the fence
  17. The best of both worlds
  18. Put wool over other people's eyes
  19. Feeling a bit under the weather
  20. Speak of the devil!
  1. This idiom is used as a way of asking someone what they are thinking about.
  2. When people add insult to injury, they make a bad situation even worse.
  3. This idiom is used to speak of an issue (especially in current affairs) which many people are talking about.
  4. This is used when something happens very rarely.
  5. When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives.
  6. This idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something.
  7. This means ‘to hear a rumour' about something or someone.
  8. This idiom is used to say that someone missed his or her chance at something.
  9. This means ‘to do two things at the same time'.
  10. When someone understands the situation well.
  11. When something is done badly to save money. For example, when someone buys products that are cheap but not of good quality.
  12. To hear something from the authoritative source.
  13. When something is very expensive.
  14. The final problem in a series of problems.
  15. This means not to take what someone says too seriously. There is a big possibility that what he/she says is only partly true.
  16. This is used when someone does not want to choose or make a decision.
  17. All the advantages.
  18. This means to deceive someone into thinking well of them.
  19. Feeling slightly ill.
  20. This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives.

Courtesy of Elanguest Language School. 

Thursday 26 December 2013

Writing a Paragraph

Academic Skills Advice Sheet
In academic writing, one paragraph constitutes the presentation of one argument. A
paragraph contains a claim and proof of the legitimacy of that claim. Typically,
paragraphs contain two parts: the topic sentence and support.
The topic sentence states what you are talking about (the topic) and what you want to say
about it (claim).

Some examples:
• All apples (topic) have pips (claim).
• Studying at university (topic) is a waste of money (claim).
• Writing essays (topic) is the best fun you can have outside Las Vegas (claim).
• The Blue Whale (topic) is the largest animal that has ever existed (claim).
• The theory of general relativity (topic) is a metric theory of gravitation (claim).
Support can be made up of a variety of different things depending on what sort of claim
you are making. If you are describing a theory, the support would consist of further
exposition. If you are making a claim about the truthfulness or falsehood of something, it
would consist of proof.

Some types of support are:
• Facts
• Statistics
• Theory
• Logic
• Paraphrase
• Direct quotation
• Explanation
• Can you think of any more?

The support should convince the reader that the claim made in the topic sentence is
accurate. Also, bear in mind the relevance of the support. Be careful if you use a lot of
internet sources as there are few quality control measures on the web. The essay you
base your argument on might have been written by a 15 year old high school kid from

Journals usually provide the most up to date forms of support and in general, the most
recent information is the best. Be careful about using books or journals that are more than
10 years old. Unless they are seminal (very significant) works, the chances are that
something more relevant has been written between now and then.

Sample paragraph:

Psychoanalysis (topic) is a pseudoscientific discipline as its claims cannot be disproved
(claim). One of the principle characteristics of the scientific method is the statement of
verifiable claims and the abandonment of theories that prove to be false. Thus although
Newton’s theory of gravitation was accepted for over 200 years, it was superseded by
Einstein’s theory of general relativity in the early 20th century (Carter, 1997).
Psychoanalytical claims are non verifiable as they are sufficiently vague so as to always
escape refutation (Popper, 1963). There is no end to the process of free association and
many of Freud’s claims defy testing. In the case of Little Hans, Freud argues that the
subject’s fear of horses is a manifestation of his desire to replace his father as his
mother’s mate (Oedipus complex). However, Freud would not claim all people who are
scared of horses want to kill their fathers, or that all people who kill their fathers are
scared of horses. The distinction between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations is
the difference between causes and reasons (Popper, 1963). Whereas science provides
causes for phenomena, Psychoanalysis provides reasons. A cause (such as the effects
of gravity) can be tested, a reason (such as seeing your parents argue when you were an
infant) cannot. Therefore Psychoanalysis should be seen as a pseudoscientific discipline
because it provides reasons not causes, and reasons cannot be disproved.
Now that you have read this paragraph, consider the types of support used. Does the
support add up to a convincing argument? Why?

• Facts Y/N - examples ………………………………….
• Statistics Y/N - examples ………………..……………
• Theory Y/N - examples ………………..………………
• Logic Y/N - examples ………………..………………..
• Paraphrase Y/N - examples ………………………….
• Direct quotation Y/N - examples ……………………
• Explanation Y/N - examples …………………………
• Are you convinced? Y/N Why? ..............................

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Definitions of Translation

There are many definitions of translation defined and it is defined in many ways. If we analyze the translation, we will see that there are two languages involved in translation. That is the reason of knowing what translation is.
In her book entitled Meaning-Based Translation (1984), Larson argued the definition of translation by some statements. She stated that:
Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language (Larson, 1984: 3).

She also added that:
The form from which the translation is made will be called the source language and the form into which it is to be changed will be called the receptor language (Larson, 1984: 3).

Another definition of translation was also proposed by Catford in his book entitled A Linguistic Theory of Translation (1965), he stated about the definition of translation that says:
Translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in other (Catford, 1965: 1).

He also added:
Translation can be defined as follows: The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL) (Catford, 1965: 20).

Catford also stated about translation, as a process, is always uni-directional: it is always performed in a given direction; from a Source Language into a Target Language. He used the abbreviations: SL for Source Language and TL for Target Language.

How to write method of research in scientific paper

Method of research
This is an example of how to write 'method of research'. It is important for someone who wants to write a scientific paper.
xx. Method of research
Method of research is very important in presenting the analysis of data as well as drawing conclusion. The method of research that used in this writing was applied in determining data source, data collection, and data analysis.
            The data of this paper were taken from an English novel entitled Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (2011) and its translation in Indonesian entitled Inheritance – Warisan (2012) translated by Poppy D. Chusfani. These novels were chosen because these novels are fit to become my data source.
            The data collecting of this paper was done by using library research. First, I read the two novels and then the data were collected by marking/quoting the sentences in the novels which are related to topic. Then the data were written on a paper and then the data were classified based on their relationship to the theory.

            After the data were collected and classified based on their relationship to the theories of translation shifts, then they were analyzed descriptively using the theory of translation shifts. The theory about translation shifts that was used to analyze the data came from Catford. In seeing the structure of the language, it used the English structure. So, the concepts about Subject (S) and Predicate (P) in Indonesian were not used anymore.

Translation of English - Indonesian (also Shift)

English - Indonesian Translation

Language is one of the most important parts of human life. It is the human capacity for using complex systems of communication, and a language is a specific example of such a system. There are so many languages in this world. Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany, English and Spanish are some examples of popular languages. Most people in this world use English as their first or second language. English is one of those popular languages that is known as an international language. We know that English is used in song lyrics, in speech, in movie dialogues etc. Sometime English is also translated into other languages.

Translation in English plays an important role in communication between two different languages. Larson stated that translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrase, clause, sentences, paragraph, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language (Larson, 1984: 3).

Publication media is the place of many various kinds of translation. Novel is one of the most popular publications. There are thousands novels publicized in the world and many best-seller novels are translated into some languages. An English-language novel can be translated into some languages like French, Japanese, Indonesian, Spain etc. Like common popular novels, Inheritance (2011) by Christopher Paolini (English) is also translated into many languages and one of them is Indonesian.

We can find English-Indonesian translation in Novel Inheritance. The original novel was translated into Indonesian by Poppy D. Chusfani and edited by Donna Widjajanto. In these novels, we can find an interesting case. 

Let us see these examples:
1. SL: The dragon Saphira roared, and the soldiers before her quailed. (Paolini, 2011: 1).
TL: Sang naga Saphira meraung, dan para prajurit yang berada di hadapannya mengerut. (Chusfani, 2012: 21).
2. SL: An arrow whizzed past him; he paid it no mind (Paolini, 2011: 1).
TL: Sebuah anak panah berdesing di dekatnya. Ia tidak mengindah-
kannya (Chusfani, 2012: 21).

In example number (1), the word soldiers in the source language (SL) is translated into para prajurit in target language (TL). This translation is called unit shift because soldiers is a word, it becomes para prajurit as a phrase.
Shift also occurs in example number (2), the word arrow in the source language is translated into anak panah in the target language. It is called unit shift too because arrow is a word and anak panah is a phrase. 

There are also other interesting cases that related to translation shifts. In order to know more about translation shifts, we have to analyze it by doing a research. 

Source: English-Indonesian Translation Shifts Found in Novel Inheritance

Sunday 27 October 2013

Englishdecode - Your English Refference [En]

[Translated by Google]
Okay, this time specifically created my blog to discuss issues of English. Problems in the form of an easy to learn method, tips, English material that you can get later.

Languages ​​English is an international language usage worldwide. This language has a very broad scope of nearly all fields. English is used in technology, banking, advertising, computers, science, information, relationships, social life, entertainment and so on.

So, in principle, everything could have been an element of English such as advertising, the trademark is affixed on products marketed and others. For those who do not understand or do not understand this language would be deprived of its own to find that the events related to the mastery of English. For example when a person should look at how the use of drugs listed on the package label, the difficulties encountered could have been very detrimental to us who do not understand the language very well with this.
Studying English is not easy, but not impossible as well.

habit What made ​​especially positive predilection will produce something useful directly or indirectly. Similarly, the English language; study hard, like starting from the smallest thing will foster a sense of trust and confident about the success of the language acquisition in a sustainable manner.

This blog will provide information, methods, materials about the English language for the reader as well. Updates will be done continuously so hopefully you guys can add insight in the field of English.

Englishdecode - Referensi Bahasa Inggris Kamu

Okay, blogku kali ini khusus dibuat untuk membahas masalah-masalah Bahasa Inggris. Masalah berupa metode belajar yang mudah, tips-tips, materi Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu dapatkan nantinya.

Bahasa Inggris memang merupakan bahasa internasional yang mendunia penggunaannya. Bahasa ini memiliki ruang lingkup yang sangat luas hampir disegala bidang. Bahasa Inggris digunakan dibidang teknologi, perbankan, periklanan, komputer, ilmu pengetahuan, informasi, pergaulan, kehidupan sosial, hiburan dan sebagainya.

Jadi, pada prinsipnya segalanya bisa saja mengandung unsur Bahasa Inggris seperti iklan, pada merek dagang yang dibubuhkan di produk yang dipasarkan dan lain-lain. Bagi yang tidak paham atau kurang mengerti dengan bahasa ini tentu mendapatkan kerugian tersendiri saat mendapati kejadian yang berhubungan dengan penguasaan Bahasa Inggris. Contohnya saat seseorang harus melihat cara penggunaan obat yang tertera di label bungkusan, kesulitan yang dihadapi bisa saja sangat merugikan kita yang kurang paham betul dengan bahasa ini.
Belajar bahasa Inggris memang tidak mudah, akan tetapi tidaklah mustahil juga. 

Apa yang dijadikan kebiasaan apalagi kegemaran positif akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang bermanfaat secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Demikian pula dengan Bahasa Inggris; belajar dengan tekun, menyukai mulai dari hal yang paling kecil akan memupuk rasa percaya dan yakin tentang berhasilnya penguasaan bahasa ini secara berkelanjutan.
English for Indonesia

Blog ini akan menyediakan informasi, metode, materi tentang bahasa Inggris bagi para pembaca sekalian. Update akan dilakukan terus-menerus sehingga diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan kalian di bidang bahasa Inggris.