Tuesday 29 October 2013

How to write method of research in scientific paper

Method of research
This is an example of how to write 'method of research'. It is important for someone who wants to write a scientific paper.
xx. Method of research
Method of research is very important in presenting the analysis of data as well as drawing conclusion. The method of research that used in this writing was applied in determining data source, data collection, and data analysis.
            The data of this paper were taken from an English novel entitled Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (2011) and its translation in Indonesian entitled Inheritance – Warisan (2012) translated by Poppy D. Chusfani. These novels were chosen because these novels are fit to become my data source.
            The data collecting of this paper was done by using library research. First, I read the two novels and then the data were collected by marking/quoting the sentences in the novels which are related to topic. Then the data were written on a paper and then the data were classified based on their relationship to the theory.

            After the data were collected and classified based on their relationship to the theories of translation shifts, then they were analyzed descriptively using the theory of translation shifts. The theory about translation shifts that was used to analyze the data came from Catford. In seeing the structure of the language, it used the English structure. So, the concepts about Subject (S) and Predicate (P) in Indonesian were not used anymore.

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