Tuesday 29 October 2013

Translation of English - Indonesian (also Shift)

English - Indonesian Translation

Language is one of the most important parts of human life. It is the human capacity for using complex systems of communication, and a language is a specific example of such a system. There are so many languages in this world. Chinese, Japanese, French, Germany, English and Spanish are some examples of popular languages. Most people in this world use English as their first or second language. English is one of those popular languages that is known as an international language. We know that English is used in song lyrics, in speech, in movie dialogues etc. Sometime English is also translated into other languages.

Translation in English plays an important role in communication between two different languages. Larson stated that translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrase, clause, sentences, paragraph, etc., which are spoken or written. These forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language (Larson, 1984: 3).

Publication media is the place of many various kinds of translation. Novel is one of the most popular publications. There are thousands novels publicized in the world and many best-seller novels are translated into some languages. An English-language novel can be translated into some languages like French, Japanese, Indonesian, Spain etc. Like common popular novels, Inheritance (2011) by Christopher Paolini (English) is also translated into many languages and one of them is Indonesian.

We can find English-Indonesian translation in Novel Inheritance. The original novel was translated into Indonesian by Poppy D. Chusfani and edited by Donna Widjajanto. In these novels, we can find an interesting case. 

Let us see these examples:
1. SL: The dragon Saphira roared, and the soldiers before her quailed. (Paolini, 2011: 1).
TL: Sang naga Saphira meraung, dan para prajurit yang berada di hadapannya mengerut. (Chusfani, 2012: 21).
2. SL: An arrow whizzed past him; he paid it no mind (Paolini, 2011: 1).
TL: Sebuah anak panah berdesing di dekatnya. Ia tidak mengindah-
kannya (Chusfani, 2012: 21).

In example number (1), the word soldiers in the source language (SL) is translated into para prajurit in target language (TL). This translation is called unit shift because soldiers is a word, it becomes para prajurit as a phrase.
Shift also occurs in example number (2), the word arrow in the source language is translated into anak panah in the target language. It is called unit shift too because arrow is a word and anak panah is a phrase. 

There are also other interesting cases that related to translation shifts. In order to know more about translation shifts, we have to analyze it by doing a research. 

Source: English-Indonesian Translation Shifts Found in Novel Inheritance

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