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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Contoh Skripsi Sastra Inggris - Sastra Inggris Linguistik -code 001

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This paper has been approved to be examined by the Examining Board of English Department, Faculty of Letters,
Warmadewa University, Denpasar.


                        Chairman                                                          Secretary

 NIP: 230 20 0200

NIP: 230 20 0189

This paper is submitted as partial fulfillment to be obtain the degree of Sarjana Sastra at the English Department, Faculty of Letters,
Warmadewa University

Approved by
The Examining Board of English Department,
Faculty of Letters, Warmadewa University

August 29th, 2013

1.      Dr. Ni Wayan Kasni, M.Hum                _______________               (Chairman)
2.      Drs. I Wayan Ana, M.Hum                    _______________               (Secretary)
3.      Drs. Nyoman Sujaya, M.Hum                _______________               (Member)
4.      Dra. Nyoman Kertiasih, SS. M.Hum     _______________               (Member)
5.      Drs. A.A. Gede Suarjaya, M.Hum         _______________               (Member)



            First of all, I wish to thank God for His blessing and mercies, so that I’m able to complete this writing at the proper time. There are so many problems and difficulties in the process of writing the paper. By working hard and the useful helps from my first advisor Dr. Ni Wayan Kasni, M. Hum and my second advisor Drs. I Wayan Ana, M. Hum those problems can be solved.
            I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Drs. Nyoman Sujaya, M.Hum, as the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Warmadewa University, Drs. I Wayan Ana, M.Hum as the Head of English Department and all lecturers in Faculty of Letters, Warmadewa University to for the permit given to me to conduct a research.
            From the deepest of my heart I also would like to express my special gratitude to my lovely parents and brother who have supported me in finishing my study. Thanks to my best friends (Tim Nuas) Darmapati, Wisnu, Sucar, Prima, Indra, Surya,  Sansan, Rama, Sudewa, Swandenata, Ariem, Muditha and many more from English Department, Faculty of Letters, Warmadewa University; thanks for giving support in the process of making this paper.
            Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect, therefore any constructive critics and suggestions for the improvement of this writing are really appreciated. I hope this writing will be useful for all of us, especially the students of English Department, Faculty of Letters, Warmadewa University.

                                                                                        Denpasar, August 2013

                                                                                               I Made Sudana
PREFACE                                                                                                     i
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                             ii
ABSTRACT                                                                                                  v
ABSTRAK                                                                                                     vi
I. INTRODUCTION                                                                                     1
1.1. Background and Problems                                                                       1
1.2 Scope of Discussion                                                                                  3
1.3 Aims                                                                                                          4
1.4 Theoretical Basis                                                                                       4
1.5 Method of Research                                                                                  5
II. RELATED STUDIES                                                                             7
2.1 Morpheme                                                                                                 7
2.2 Kinds of Morpheme                                                                                  8
2.2.1 Free morpheme                                                                                       8
2.2.2 Bound morpheme                                                                                   9
2.3 Affixes                                                                                                      9
2.3.1Prefix                                                                                                       10
2.3.2 Infix                                                                                                        10
2.3.3 Suffix                                                                                                     11
2.4 Function of suffix nya                                                                               12
2.4.1 Suffix nya as possessive pronoun                                                           13
2.4.2 Suffix nya as object pronoun                                                                 13
2.4.3 Suffix nya as an Agentive object                                                           14
2.4.4 Suffix nya as a Determiner                                                                     14
2.4.5 Suffix nya as Adverbializer                                                                    15
2.4.6 Suffix nya as Nominalizer                                                                      15
2.4.7 Suffix nya as indefinite number                                                             16
2.5 Definition of Translation                                                                           17
2.6 Types of Translation                                                                                  20
2.6.1 Literal Translation                                                                                  20
2.6.2 Idiomatic Translation                                                                             22
2.7 Process of Translation                                                                               25
2.8 Definition of Translation Shift                                                                  27
2.8.1 Level Shift                                                                                              27
2.8.2 Category Shift                                                                                        28 Structure Shift                                                                                     29 Class Shift                                                                                           30 Unit/rank Shift                                                                                    33 Intra-system Shift                                                                                35       
III. ANALYSIS                                                                                             36
3.1 Suffix nya as possessive pronoun translated into his, her and their          36
3.1.1 Suffix nya translated into his                                                                 37
3.1.2 Suffix nya translated into her                                                                41
3.1.3 Suffix nya translated into their                                                              44
3.2 Suffix nya is translated into object pronoun                                             48
3.3 Suffix nya as indicator of definiteness translated into article the             51
3.4 Suffix nya as Agentive object is translated into she and he                     52
3.5 Suffix nya as Determiner is translated into article the                              55
3.6 Suffix nya Adverbializer                                                                           58
3.7 Suffix nya as indefinite number                                                                61
IV. CONCLUSION                                                                                       62
4.1 Conclusion                                                                                                 62
4.2 Suggestion                                                                                                 63

The title of this paper is Indonesian suffix [-nya] and its translation into English. This paper discussed and analyzed about suffix [-nya] and its translation into English.
Tthe method applied in conducting this research consists of data source, data collection and data analysis. For the data source I used a bilingual novel entitled Kesatria, Putri dan bintang jatuh by Dewi Lestari and was translated into English entitled The Knight, the Princes and Falling Star by Aveling. In collecting the data, I used library research. First, I read the bilingual novel and collected the sentences which are related with the suffix [-nya]. I used the theory of suffixation of Indonesian Language proposed by Sneddon entitled Indonesian Reference Grammar and Theory of Meaning Based Translation written by Larson.
Based on the result of the analysis, it was found that suffix [-nya] has functions: as possessive pronoun, object pronoun, indicator of definiteness, as adjective object, nominalizer, indefinite number, determiner and an adverb.  In relation to the translation of suffix [-nya], I found that the suffix [-nya] as possessive pronoun was translated into his, her, and their. Suffix [-nya] as object pronoun was translated into her, him. Suffix [-nya] as indicator of definiteness, was translated into article the. Suffix [-nya] as adjective object was translated into she and he. Suffix [-nya] as indefinite number was translated into this. And suffix [-nya] as determiner was translated into article the. And the last suffix [-nya] as an adverb was translated into adverbial phrase or object of complement.  


Judul penelitian ini adalah Terjemahan suffiks[-nya] dalam Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris. Skripsi ini mencoba menganalisis serta menjelaskan tentang terjemahan suffiks[-nya] ke dalam bahasa Inggris.
Dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metodologi, yang terdiri dari sumber data, pengumpulan data dan analisis data. Pada sumber data, peneliti menggunakan novel dua bahasa yang berjudul Kesatria, Putri dan bintang jatuh oleh Dewi Lestari yang diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berjudul The Knight, the Princes and Falling Star oleh Aveling. Pada pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan. Pertama-tama peneliti membaca novel dua bahasa dan mengumpulkan kalimat-kalimat yang berhubungan dengan suffiks [-nya]. Utuk menganalisis data, peneliti mengunakan theory suffiks dari buku yang berjudul Indonesian Reference Grammar yang ditulis oleh Sneddon dan The Theory of Meaning Based Translation oleh Larson.
Berdasarkan analisis ditemukan bahwa suffiks[-nya] mempunyai beberapa fungsi, yaitu: kata ganti kepunyaan, sebagai objek penderita, sebagai objek penyerta, sebagai objek pelaku dan sebagai pembentuk kata keterangan. Dan pada terjemahannya ditemukan bahwa suffiks [-nya] sebagai kata ganti kepunyaan diterjemahkan menjadi his, her dan their. Suffiks [-nya] sebagai objek penderita diterjmahkan menjadi her, him. Suffiks [-nya] sebagai objek penyerta diterjemahkan menjadi article the. Suffiks [-nya] sebagai objek pelaku diterjemahkan menjadi she dan he. Dan terakhir Suffiks [-nya] pembentuk kata keterangan diterjamahkan menjadi adverbial phrase atau object complement.


1.1 Background and Problems
            In this globalization era, English is important. The information can give us about what happens in this life. The information can be found in many sources, like newspaper, television, and magazine, etc. People use language to verbalize to other people what they want, and to communicate information and express their ideas.
Communication is one of the important activities of human being. As social human being, people cannot live alone without other people. By good communication it is easier to convey some information, ideas, and statements from other people.  Each part of our life is covered by language. And in written and spoken language we need words and sentences to make the information can be accepted by the listener.  
Word can be simple or complex. A simple word consists solely of a base which cannot be broken down into smaller unit. A base carries the essential meaning of word, while complex word is formed by word formation. In the language there are many complex words that can be separated into smaller form and then it can be separated again until the smaller form which is called morpheme. Two or more morphemes can be formed into a word by affixations process. There are three types of affix in Indonesian: prefixes, suffixes, and circumfixes. A prefix is attached before the base. When a prefix is discussed separately it is indicated by a hyphen after it, such as ber-. A suffix comes after a base, indicated by hyphen before it, such as –nya. A circumfix contains two parts, one occurring before the base and one after it such as ke-…-an.
Translation plays an important role in communication between two difference language societies.  Through translation an idea in one language can be expressed into another. Indonesian people who consider English as foreign language is taking much knowledge from those English speaking countries.
A lot of books that have been translated from Indonesian into English like Supernova by Dewi Lestari. In the translation of Indonesian texts into English, there are many interesting objects that we can be found. One of those objects is the translation of Indonesian suffix into English.
 Suffix [-nya] which is used for forming the new word and has many functions. When Suffix [-nya] is translated into English. It can be shown pronoun, article, adverbializer and so on. For examples:
1.      SL: Wajahanya yang manis membuat ia selalu tampak tersipu- sipu (Lestari,2001: 2)
TL: His pink complexion made him look like a baby (Aveling, 2010: 13)
2.      SL: Kasur pegas yang empuk itu akhirnya beristirahat setelah menandak – nandak beberapa jam yang lalu (Lestari, 2001:75)
TL: The springs of luxurious mattress finally came to rest after the beating they had taken. (Aveling, 2010:16)
In example (1) the suffix [-nya] in the word wajahnya is translated into his in English and has a function as pronoun. And suffix [-nya] in the word akhirnya in example (2), is translated into finally in English and has function as adverbializer.
            In accordance with the translation phenomena of the different systems between the two languages, the translation is not easy because it appears to show variations, especially from the structure point of view.
            The background mentioned above makes me to taking up this topic especially the translation of Indonesian suffix [-nya] into English. Because this topic can give me clear description about how to understand and translate suffix  [-nya] into English.

1.2 Scope of discussion
            According to the background that I have mentioned above we can see a lot of problems. Because of the limitation of my ability, I limited this research in some point in other to avoid the discussion to be too wide. In this paper I focused my research on the translation of Indonesian suffix [-nya] into English. The problems can be formulated in the following questions:
            1. What are the functions of suffix [-nya] in Indonesian?
2. What are the translations of suffix [-nya] in English found in novel Supernova: Kesatria, Putri dan Bintang jatuh. And it’s translated into English the Knight, the Princess and Falling Star?

1.3 Aims
            As a scientific paper, it should have certain aims. The aim in this paper can be divided into three parts. They include general aim, specific aim, and academic aim. The aims will be mentioned in the following explanation.
The general aim is to apply the translation theory that I have learned during my study. I also want to see how far the knowledge and the ability which has been achieved during the process of study could be applied in a research.
The specific aims are to know the translation of the Indonesian suffix [-nya] into English found in novel. This is also aimed at achieving more knowledge on the functions of suffix [-nya] in Indonesian.
Besides the specific aims, this writing has academic aim that is to fulfill one academic requirement to get the Sarjana (S1) degree from a university. Besides, I expect this paper will be useful for other students who are interested in analyzing the same topic, especially in English Department, Faculty of Letters Warmadewa University.

1.4 Theoretical Basis
            In writing a scientific paper, the writer was obliged to follow certain theories.  This paper analyzes about the translation of suffix [-nya] in Indonesian into English. I apply some theories that can help me in doing the research. In this case I applied the theory given by Larson; et al in the book entitled The Theory of Meaning Based Translation written by Larson (1984) as for translation theory. They stated that:
Translation is basically a change of form. These forms a referred to as the surface structure of a language. In translation the form of source language is replaced by the form of the receptor (target) language, and that translation consist of transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. (Larson, 1984:3)

Besides that, I also use the theory of suffix [-nya] is taken from the book Indonesian Reference Grammar by Sneddon (1996), He states that:
This suffix (nya) has several functions within the noun phrase. It can as third person possessive pronoun or as a ligature before a possessive noun. (Sneddon, 1996: 150)   

1.5 Method of Research
            Method is a way of doing something. It is used to solve the problems or to achieve something. In this writing, I used several methods they were: data source, data collection, and data analysis.
            We know, there are many references that can be used as the data source, like: books, novels, magazine, newspaper and so on. In this research, the data were taken from novel entitled Supernova: Kesatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh by Dewi Lestari and its translation into English Supernova: The Knight, the Princes and Falling Star by Aveling.
            Data collection is the method in collecting the data. The data were collected through the process of reading the novel. The relevant data were underlined and then written down in the data list. Then, the data that have been quoted were classified based on the topic of discussion, that is Indonesian suffix [-nya] and its translation into English.
The classified data were analyzed descriptively by applying the theory of translation and grammar. They are analyzed one by one based on the problems found in the data.


Before coming to main topic, I think it is better for me to explain some points that have close relationship to the main topic. Those points are about Indonesian suffix [-nya] and its translation English. Suffix [-nya] it shows deferent as pronoun, article, advebializer, and etc, when it is translated into English. The translation that is discussed in this paper is about Indonesian into English. All of the ideas presented in this chapter were taken from the theoretical basis.

2.1 Morpheme
In English, the new words can be formed by putting certain morphemes before the words, inserting certain morphemes in the middle of the words or adding certain morphemes after the words. The term of morpheme refers to the smallest, individual units of the semantic content or grammatical function of which the words are made up of. The morphemes cannot be composed into smaller units which are either meaningful by themselves or mark a grammatical function like number: singular or plural, and tenses: present and past (Katamba, 1993: 20)
The claim that words have structure might come as a surprise because speakers normally think of words as indivisible unit of meaning. This is probably due to the fact that many words are morphologically simple. For example: the, fierce, desk, eat etc cannot be segmented (i.e. divided up) into smaller that are meaningful by themselves. It is impossible to say what the quito part of mosquito or the –erce part of fierce means (Katamba, 1993: 19)
Morphemes are the smallest different in the shape of word that correlates with the smallest different in the word or sentences meaning or in grammatical structure (Katamba, 1993: 20)
Another theory comes from Bauer in his book entitled English Word Formation. He states that the basic units of analysis recognized in morphology are morpheme (Bauer, 1983: 13) 

2.2 Kinds of morpheme
Basically there are two morphemes which can form a new word i.e. bound morpheme and free morphemes.

2.2.1 Free morpheme
Roots which are capable of standing independently are called free morphemes. For example: man, book, tea, and sweet, bet, very. Single words like those mentioned before are the smallest free morphemes that are capable of occurring in isolation. The free morpheme mentioned before are examples of basic morphemes. There are nouns, verbs, adjective, preposition, and adverbs. Such morphemes carry most of the semantic content of utterances that is loosely defined to caver nations like referring to individuals ( e.g. john, mother), attributing properties ( e.g. the adjective kind, clever), describing action, process or state (e.g. the verb: hit, write, rest) expressing relations ( e.g. the preposition: in, on, under) and describing circumstances like manner (e.g. kindly) ( Katamba, 1993: 41). Another statement comes from Bauer, in his book entitled English Word-Formation (1983). He states that a morph which can occur in isolation (i.e. which can also be a word-form) is termed a free morpheme (Bauer, 1983: 17)

2.2.2 Bound morpheme
Many roots are incapable of occurring in isolation. They always occur in some other word-building element attached to them. Such roots are called bound morphemes. The examples of bound morphemes are: -mit (permit, remit, and admit), -cieve (perceive, receive, and conceive) (Katamba, 1993: 42)
Based on English Word-Formation by Bauer (1983), it is stated that a morph which can only occur in the word-in conjunction with at least on other morph is termed a bound morpheme (Bauer, 1983: 17) 

2.3 Affixes
An affix is a morpheme which only occurs when attached to some other morpheme or morphemes such as a root or stem or base. Obviously, by definition affixes are terms are bound morphemes. No word may contain only an affix standing on its own, like –y or –ed or –al or even a number of affixes strung together like –al-s (Katamba, 1993: 44).
There are two types according to function: derivational and inflectional. When a derivational affix is attached to a base it changes the word to another class, that is, it derives another class. An inflectional affix does not change the category of the word. Most affixes in Indonesian are derivational (Sneddon, 1996: 26)

2.3.1 Prefix
Prefix is an affix attached before a root or stem or base like re-, un-, and in-. For example: re-make, un-kind, in-decent (Katamba, 1993: 44)
According to Sneddon, in her book is Indonesia Reference Grammar, prefix is:
A prefix is attached before the base. When a prefix is discussed separately it is indicated by a hyphen after it, such as ber-. (Sneddon, 1996:7)

Bauer states that the most general rule that can given for prefixes that they do not bear primary stress and do not affect the stress of derivatives, but there are innumerable exceptions of this. There is, however, frequently a subsidiary stress on a prefix, and always one if the prefix consists of more than one syllable (Bauer, 1983:123)
Here are the examples of prefixes:
1)      Renang + ber: berenang (Sneddon, 1996: 8)
2)      Rusak + per: perusak (Sneddon, 1996: 8)
In example number (1) the word renang is added by prefix ber-.  It changes the function of renang that is from noun to verb. It also happens in example number (2), the word rusak is added by prefix per-. The function also changes, that is from adjective to noun. 

2.3.2 Infix
Katamba (1993: 44) states an infix is an affix inserted into the root itself. Infixes are very common in English languages and infixing somewhat rare in English. Infixation is not productive and only a limited number of infixed forms occur. Because of this infixed forms are no longer felt by most people to contain an affix and there are listed separately from their bases in dictionaries. The infixes areem, -el-, -er-. (Sneddon, 1996: 25)
1)      Gigi + er: gerigi (Sneddon: 1996: 25)
2)      Getar + em: gemetar (Sneddon, 1996: 25)
In example number (1) the word gerigi is derived from the word gigi and infix [–er], and the word gemetar is derived from the word getar and infix [–em] in example number (2).

2.3.3 Suffix
Word formation is one of the most complicated problems in study of language. Word formation is a traditional label, and one which is useful, but it does generally cover all possible ways of forming everything that can be called a word in particular. The use of term word formation is of value when the rules for the formation of the word are not identical with the rules for the information of sentence. For the examples, I work hard and I am working hard. (Margono, 1999: 21)
Suffix is for the formation of new words by attaching to nouns, verb and adverbs. New words formed using the suffixes and the old words are often referred to the new words in a language form English. The suffixes are recognized in many languages. In the formation of the new words, the old words to which the suffixes are attached are usually like the prefixes, the suffixes are also in Indonesia. The suffix which is used for the transformation of a new word is often found in written or spoken communication. Similar to a word, the suffix which a used for the formation of a new word may also often translated into a target language.A suffix comes after a base, indicated by hyphen before it, such as: -an, -nya (Sneddon, 1996: 7)
According Katamba in his book is morphology, suffix is an affix which attached after the root, or stem or base like –ly, -er, -ist, -ing, and –ed (Katamba, 1993:44)
  As further seen in the following examples:
1)      Bulan + an: bulanan (Sneddon, 1996: 52)
2)      Hari + an: harian (Sneddon, 1996: 52)
In the first example, the word bulan is added by suffix –an. It changes the function of bulan that is from noun to adverb. It also happens in example number (2), the word hari is added by suffix –an. The function also changes, that is from noun to adverb.

2.4 Function of Suffix-nya
Suffix [-nya] also principally has its own functions in Indonesia. According to Sneddon, suffix [-nya] can be divided into seven functions, among those: as a possessive pronoun, object pronoun, an agentive object, a determiner, nominalizer, an adverbializer, and indefinite number. Each function of suffix [-nya] is explained below:

2.4.1 Suffix [-nya] as possessive pronoun
Possessive pronoun in English is described as a pronoun which shows a possessive of something or someone. In Indonesian, suffix [-nya] can be used to show a possession, in this case as a possession of a singular or plural person. This suffix has several functions within the noun phrase. It can functions as third person possessive pronoun (Sneddon, 1996: 150)
For examples:
1)      SL: Dia menantikan Ola, suaminya.
TL: he a waited Ola, her husband (Sneddon, 1996: 158)
2)      SL: Dimana rumahnya?
TL: Where do you live?(Literally: where is her/his house) (Sneddon, 1996: 163)
In example above, all suffix [-nya], function as a possessive pronoun. This suffix is attached to nouns, such as to the nouns suami, and rumah. Because its functions as possessive pronouns, it means that all suffix [-nya] attached to the words above show possession. Because of showing possession, so the words in examples above can be further defined into suami dia or suaminya, and in another example rumah dia or rumahnya.

2.4.2 Suffix [-nya] is translated into Object Pronoun
Suffix [-nya] functioning as object pronoun can be gotten after noun in active sentences. It has the meaning of dia. It is translated into object pronoun like her and him.

            SL: Narti menunggunya (Sneddon, 1996: 165)
            TL: Narti is waiting for him (Sneddon, 1996: 165)

In example above suffix [-nya] in the word menunggunya is translated into him in target language. And if we look at English function suffix [-nya] has functions as object pronoun.

2.4.3 Suffix [-nya] as an Agentive Object
Suffix [-nya] functions as an agentive object means that the [-nya] receive an action of the object. It is usually found in passive sentences. The example of the [-nya] which as an agentive object is:
1)      SL: Narti ditunggunya
TL: He is waiting for narti (Sneddon, 1996: 166)
The function of the [-nya] in this example is an agentive object. The [-nya] in this sentence is placed after a passive verb like ditunggu + nya. In this case it does not have function as possession. In the example above suffix [-nya] is translated into he in English.

2.4.4 Suffix [-nya] as a Determiner
The [-nya] functioning as determiner means that suffix [-nya] in this case as a determining word, which is usually put after noun. It can also attached to the head of noun, being translated into the. This can occur where the noun has not been mentioned before, but is understood within the context of the utterance (Sneddon, 1996: 150)
1)      SL: Kalau mau makan, nasinya dilemari
TL: If you want to eat, the rice is in the pantry (Sneddon, 1996:      151)
2)      SL: Saya mau kekantor pos tetapi tidak tahu jalannya
TL: I want to go to the post office but I don’t know the way (Sneddon, 1996: 151)
In the examples above, all the [-nya] are used as determiner. Determiner means the words that modify a noun. In this situation the [-nya] does not have lexical relation meaning with dia. The [-nya] in (1) nasinya and (2) jalanya are determiners, the [-nya] only functions to determine a thing expressed by the speaker.

2.4.5 Suffix [-nya] as an Adverbializer
The use of the [-nya] functioning as an adverbializer means that suffix [-nya] is used to form an adverbial phrase or an object complement of a sentence. The function of suffix [-nya] as an adverb can be seen from the sentences bellows:

SL: Rupanya dia tidak akan lulus
TL: It seems as if he will not pass (Margono, 1999: 19)
In example above, the word rupanya is translated into the word seems in English. Rupanya is combined with the word rupa + suffix [-nya]. In this sentences, suffix [-nya] functions as an adverbial phrase. In example above, it is used to form adverb rupanya as adverbializer.

2.4.6 Suffix [-nya] as Nominalizer
Nominalized adjectives of measure only take [-nya] obligatorily if there is no other possessor expressed. In the presence of a first or second person possessor [-nya] cannot occur (Sneddon, 1996: 306)
1)      SL: Beratnya sepuluh kilo.
TL: Its weight is ten kilos (Sneddon, 1996: 306)
2)      SL: Gunung itu tingginya 2000 m (Margono,1999:19)
TL: The Mountain, its height is 2000 m (Margono, 1999:19)
In example (1) Suffix [-nya] changes the adjective which is stated by word berat into noun beratnya as nominalizer. And in example (2) suffix [-nya] changes the adjective which is stated by word tinggi into noun tingginya as nominalizer which refers to the noun gunung itu.

2.4.7 Suffix [-nya] as indefinite numbers
According to Sneddon in her book entitled Indonesia Reference Grammar, several indefinite numbers can occur as pronouns, in which case they taken suffix[-nya] (Sneddon,1996: 175). The [-nya] functions as indefinite numbers can be given in examples bellow:
1)      SL: Semuanya (Sneddon: 1996: 175)
TL: All of them (Sneddon: 1996: 175)
2)      SL: Seluruhnya (Sneddon: 1996: 175)
TL: All of it (Sneddon: 1996: 175)
In example (1) suffix [-nya] indicates an indefinite number from word semuanya and when it is translated into English, suffix [-nya] refers to the pronoun which is stated by pronoun them. And in example (2) suffix [-nya] shows indefinite number from word seluruh and when it is translated into English suffix [-nya] refers to the pronoun which is expressed by pronoun it.

2.5 Definition of translation
Translation has been defined in many ways by different writers in the field, depending on how they view language and translation. Larson in her book entitled Meaning Based Translationstated that:
The purpose of this text is two shows that translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second by way of semantic structure. (Larson, 1984: 3)

Translation is basically a change form. This form of language refers to the word, phrase, clause, sentences and paragraph which are spoken or written language. The form of the source language is replaced by the form of the target language of other words: we can say that in translating, the form is changed but not the meaning.
The meaning of the source language is transferred into the target language, and it is done by searching the form of the first language by the way of semantic structure. Its meaning which is transferred must be held constant and only the forms are able to change.
She also adds that:
Translation, then, consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the target language and its cultural context. (Larson, 1984: 3)

Meaning is important in translation. As we know that translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language, as a language meaning and target language text has a target language meaning. The process of translation can be seen from the diagram bellow:


Text to be translated
Source language                                              Target language


Discover the meaning                                     Re-Express the meaning


(Larson, 1984:4)
Based on the diagram, we can say that there are three major steps in the process of translation. Firstly, a translator needs to discover the meaning of the message in the source language (there is a text to be translated). After he gets the meaning, he needs to determine the meaning that related to the object that is communicated. Finally, he needs to re-explain or re-express the meaning (the message) in target language using the translation equivalent.
            Translating is an attempt to discover the closest nature equivalent of the SL messages in TL in the meaning has priority over stylistic form.
            Larson (1984: 3) in her book entitled Meaning Based Translationstated that:
 “Translation, by dictionary definition, consists of changing form one state or form to another, to run into one’s own or another’s language (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1974)

            Translation is basically a change o form, where the form of a language refers to the actual words, phrase, clause, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are spoken and written. These forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language. It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech.
Nida and Taber defined translation as follows:
“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in the terms of the style. (Nida and Taber, 1969: 12)

Catford (1965: 20) in his book entitled A Linguistic Theory and Translation stated that:
“Translating is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). Throughout his paper we make use the observation, SL= source language, TL= target language.

The key concept in the both definition is equivalence which should be natural or in accordance with the context. Both definitions recognize the lack of any absolute correspondence by “natural equivalent, Nida means that the equivalent forms should not be “foreign” either in form or meaning, a good translation then should read like an original. It also means that we don’t translate literally but idiomatically (Margono, 1999: 2)
The style in the translation whenever possible should be similar to that in the original. If not similar in form, it should be similar in function so that, it produces similar effect.

2.6 Types of Translation
There two main kinds of translation. One is form based and the other meaning based. Form based translation attempts to follow the form of the (SL) and known as literal translation. Meaning based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the (SL) text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Such translation is called idiomatic translation.

2.6.1 Literal Translation
According to Larson, Literal translations:
Although this literal translation maybe very useful for purpose related to the study of the source language they are of title help to speaker of the receptor language who are interested in the meaning of the source language text. A literal translation sounds like nonsense and has little communication value (1984: 17)
For example:
Chuava (Papua New Guinea) : koandora
Literal translation        : Your name call 

These literal translations make little sense in English. The appropriate translation would be what is your name? (Larson,1984: 17)
Literal translation often called as word for word translation this way is usually done by beginner in doing translation.
The result of this translation sounds unnatural and has a little communication value because this translation is giving priority to form whether that of words, clause, or of sentences. This translation often becomes a bad translation because the translator makes over the use of equivalent of the appropriate words with the contextual meaning, so the literal choice of lexical items make the translation sound unnatural and not easily acceptable to target language readers.
1)      SL: Who has been living?
TL: Siapa telah sedang tinggal disana? (Margono, 1999: 4)
2)      SL : I work hard
TL: Saya bekerja keras. (Margono, 1999: 21)
The language above indicates that it still sounds unnatural. The grammatical item who is translated into siapa. The grammatical item has, been, living there istranslated into telah, sedang, tinggal disana (those indicate form in present perfect continuous). That is why this translation sounds unnatural for the target language readers. So, the results translated by word- for- word translation. In the example (2) the two languages above indicates that still sounds unnatural. The grammatical item I is translated into saya, the grammatical item work is translated into bekerja, the grammatical item hard is translated into keras. Therefore we have to find a kind of translation using the natural form of the receptor language, such a kind of translation is called idiomatic translation.

2.6.2 Idiomatic translation
The second types of translation are idiomatic translation, as Larson says:
Idiomatic translation is meaning based translation which makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language. (Larson, 1984: 17)

Idiomatic translation uses the natural forms of the receptor language, both in the grammatical constructions and the choice of lexical items.
A truly idiomatic translation does not sound like a translation work. It sounds like it was written originally in the target language. The translator’s goal should be to reproduce in the receptor language, a text which communicates the same messages as the source language but using the natural grammatical and lexical choice of the receptor language and the translator’s goal is an idiomatic translation.
1)      SL: Who has been living there?
TL: Selama ini siapa yang tinggal disana? (Margono, 1999: 4)
On the example above, it can be seen there is change of structure. The phrase selama iniis the additional phrase. The result is the whole translation is well acceptable and has a good sense for the target readers.
Another example of idiomatic translation can be seen on example bellow:
1)      SL: She died of a broken heart
TL: Dia meninggal karena sedih (Margono, 1999: 3)
On the translation, the phrase a broken is not translated in to word for word but into word sedih. The translation in the TL does not change the messages is the SL. The sentence at the first text is translated into patah hati, this translation is acceptable if does not reduce its meaning message.
And another example of idiomatic translation can be seen on example bellow:
1)      Literal English: Madame Odette, Passenger with destination is Douala, is demanded on the telephone.
This English version is a literal translation of the French
2)      French: Madame Odette, passages a destination de Douala, estdemandééAutelephone
An idiomatic translation into English would be:
1)      Idiomatic English:MsOdete, passenger for Douala, you are wanted on the phone (Larson, 1984: 17- 18)
Based on Margono in his book entitled Essentials of Theory and Practice of Translation, there are some types of translation:
a.       Morpheme-by-morpheme translation
Penanya orang
Kata bantu aspek perfect
Personal tunggal maskulin
Past participle Be

Lexical morpheme (in this example livetranslated into hidup) in the translation is presented differently from grammatical morphemes. In this case, since morpheme may most probably have no corresponding form receptor language, morphemes is often given explanation about its function rather than its equivalent in the receptor language. We are here not corrected with translation in the normal sense of the word; it is termed “gloss”
b.      Word-by-word translation


If it has not corresponding form, a word maybe left untranslated (e.g. been in the example)
c.       Sentence-by-sentence translation
Who has he been living with?
Dengan siapa dia tinggal?

A sentence is here considered as a unit of grammatical structure, not as a text. As it is without contexts, it often cannot be translated satisfactory.
d.      Contextual translation
This is type of translation that we are mostly concerned with, and which we talk about this paper.
Relating to its context a possible translation might be like this:
Who has he been living with?
Selama ini dengan siapa dia tinggal disana?

To make the sentence fit the context better we can, for example add selama ini to the beginning of the sentence and di sana to the end of the sentence.
We don’t talk about what is called tafsiran or saudara  because in this case personal ideas of the translator is given too much freedom, while in translation as we mean it the translator should not put in his ideas.

2.7 Process of Translation
According to Margono, in his Essential ofTheory and Practice of Translation(1994:14), he states that:
“The translation first analyzes the massages of the source language into its (basic clauses), transfer it to the receptor language, then restructure the messages to receptor language in the way most appropriate for the audience the translation is intended for.
The multi-stage process can occur quickly, and the translator may not be aware of it, but all the same a careful translator will perform such a process
The process can be presented in the diagram bellow:

Source Language

Receptor Language





The process of analysis may consist of:
(a)    Analyzing grammatical relationship between constituent parts.
(b)   Identify the meanings of the semantic units.
(c)    Finding the connotative meanings of the grammatical structures and semantic units.
For example, it is a translation from English as the source language into Indonesian as target language.
SL    : The Balinese themselves are drawn to exhibition of trance and find them as interesting as the tourist (Margono, 1999:14).
TL    : Pertunjukantarian yang penarinya mengalami kerauhandikunjungi banyak penonton, termasuk wisatawan asing dan orang Bali sendiri. Pertunjukan itu samamenariknya bagi wisatawan maupun orang Bali (Margono, 1999:14).
In the example above, the original meaning is not changed when translating the source language text into target language text. As we see above, almost all of the meanings in the source language text are translated again in the target language.

2.8 Definition of Translation Shifts
Translation shifts is a changing of form when it is translated from the source language into target language. Catford, in his book entitled A Linguistic Theory of Translation explains a translation shifts definition and concept. He states that:
By ‘shifts’ we mean departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL (Catford, 1965:73).

            Further, Catford states the relationship between translation shifts and formal correspondence. He also divides translation shifts into two major types. He states that “two major types of ‘shift’ occur; they are level shifts and category shifts” (Catford, 1965:73)

2.8.1 Level Shifts
            In A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Catford states that level shift is:
By shift of level we mean that a SL item at one linguistic level has a TL translation equivalent at a different level (Catford, 1965:73).
            Then, he states that by level shift means a shift from grammar to lexis; and here are the examples.
1)      SL: I am working hard.
TL: Saya sedang bekerja keras (Margono, 1999:21).
2)      SL: I have worked hard.
TL: Saya sudah bekerja keras (Margono, 1999:21).
From the text in the source language (SL) above, it is found that the grammatical item tobe + -ing (pattern of English Present Continuous Tense) in the source language is translated into sedang in the target language. So the level shift departure occurs in that translation is indicated by grammar in the source language is translated into lexis in the target language.
Level shift also happens in the example (2) because the forms have +Perfect Tense marker (pattern of English Present) in the SL is translated into SL by using the lexis sudah.

2.8.2 Category Shifts
            According to Catford, the second type of translation shifts is category shift. Catford defines that:
Category shifts are departures from formal correspondence in translation (Catford, 1965:76).
            It means that category shifts are related with formal correspondence and Catford also states about this formal correspondence as follows:
A formal correspondence is any Target Language (TL) category which may be said to occupy as nearly as possible, the ‘same’ place in the economy of the Target Language (TL) as the given source language (SL) category occupies in the source language (SL). (Catford, 1965: 32)
            He explains that in grammar, for example: structure-shifts can occur at all ranks. It has a large part in the translation shifts that may happen.
            In order to understand more about category shifts, it should tell about the classification of category shifts. The category shift is divided into four, they are: structure shift, class shift, unit shift, intra system shift (Catford, 1965:76). Further explanation about them will be given on next subs. Structure Shifts
            The most frequent category shift that occurs in translation is structure shift. It occurs at all rank in translation. It occurs in phonological and graph logical translation as well as in total translation. (Catford, 1965: 6)
            According to Catford’s concept about structure, it is said that:
A structure is an arrangement of elements (subject, predicator, object, and complement, adjunct) (Catford, 1965: 6).

            Structure shifts is indicated by a situation when there are two languages which have different element of structure. Besides, the source language and target language should have formal correspondence.
1)      SL: I wash myself.
        S    V        O
TL: Saya mandi                                       (Margono, 1999:20).
           S       P
2)      SL:  The book is on the table.
           M H
TL: Buku itu ada di atas meja                  (Erhans, 2007:154).
           H M
            In the example above, it can be found that the SL has different structure of sentence level and phrase level in TL. In the example (1) the source language has sentence structure I (S), wash (V) and myself (O). Its translation has different sentence structure in the target language, that is saya (S) and mandi (P). From its translation, it can be seen that one element that is object myself in the source language is not translated in target language.
            In example number (2) it is found that the translation has different structure of phrase from the the book into buku itu. The phrase the book in the source language consists of Modifier-Head (MH) pattern, modifier the and head book. It is translated into buku itu, which consists of Head-Modifier (HM) pattern; head buku and modifier itu. Class Shifts
Class shift, as explained by Catford, is a shift that occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the original item. It means that SL has different class with TL (Catford, 1965:78).
            A shift of class can happen from a noun into adjective, verbs into adjectives etc. To simplify the illustration of each word classes, we may explore the explanations of word classes by Quirk in his book entitle A University Grammar of English as follow.
            Classes of word in English are adjective, adverb, noun, pronoun, and verb. Adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. We can identify a word is an adjective by considering what inflections or affixes it will allow. Adjective can be modified by the intensifier ‘very’, as in the example “The children are very happy” (Quirk, 1973:114). Adjective also shows comparative and superlative form, The children are happier now as an example (Quirk, 1973:115). Adjective functions as attributive, as show in the example The beautiful painting (Quirk, 1973:115). Adjective functions as object complement, for example: He pulled his belt tight (Quirk, 1973:115). And adjective also functions as head of noun phrase, as like in the following example The extremely old need a great deal of attention (Quirk, 1973:118).
            Adverb is a word or group of words that describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence. The most characteristic of the adverb is morphological: the majority of the adverbs have the derivational suffix “-ly”. Adverb has two characteristics (function); those are Adverbs functions as adverbial, can be seen from the example He spoke to me about it briefly. The second function is Adverb as modifier of adjective and adverb, which can be seen from the examples (a) She has a really beautiful face, and (b) They are smoking very heavily (adverb as intensifier) (Quirk, 1973:125-127).
            Noun is a word or group of words that refers to a person, a place, a thing or activity, or a quality or an idea. Noun can be divided into two subclasses; they are Count Noun and Non-Count Noun. Count noun means the noun which must be seen as individual countable entities and cannot be viewed as an undifferentiated mass (such as: chair, word, finger, remark). And Non-Count Noun means the noun which must be seen group of things as an undifferentiated mass or continuum (such as: grass, warmth, humor). Basically, the noun is also as the noun phrase that functions as subject, object, complement of the sentence, and as complement in prepositional phrase. For example: The girl is Mary Smith (Quirk, 1973:59), the girl functions as a subject.
            Pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase. Pronoun constitutes a heterogeneous class of items with numerous subclasses, like: they, we, I, you, he, she, it, his, her, them, itself, himself, this, that.
            Verb is the element of sentence that expresses or describes an action, an event, experience, or a state which is performed by the subject and it stands before object. One example of verb is grew in His brother grew happier gradually (Quirk, 1973:12). The word grew in the example above is a verb; the word here can be said as a verb because it states an action of the subject.
Here is the example of class shift:
SL: mereka berkerja dengan lambat. (Sneddon, 1996: 336).
TL: they working slowly
From the example above, the source language is Indonesian and the target language is English. In the example (1), the word lambat in the source language functions as an adjective; and the word slowly in the target language functions as a verb. So, the translation equivalent of the adjective lambat in the source language is the verb sadar in the target language. Unit/rank Shifts
            Catford defines unit shift as a change of rank, departures from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL (Catford, 1965:79).
            Unit shift as a change of rank may happen from word to phrase, phrase to word or phrase to clause. Oxford dictionary defines word as a sound or group of sounds that expresses a meaning and forms an independent unit of a language (Oxford Dictionary: 1374). Whereas Longman Dictionary defines it as the smallest unit of spoken language which has meaning and can stand alone, such as: good, goodness (Longman Dictionary: 1213).
            Phrase by Oxford dictionary is defined as a group of words without a verb, especially one that forms part of sentence: The green car and a half past four are phrases (Oxford dictionary: 868). Both phrases in examples above have a higher position (unit/rank) than word.
            A shift of unit can happen from word to phrase, phrase to word or phrase to clause. Here are examples of unit shifts:
1)      SL: Your watch is very sophisticated.
TL: Jam tangan anda sangat canggih (Margono, 1999: 6).
2)      SL: There is an exhibition.
TL: Ada pertunjukan(Margono, 1999:15).
            In the example (1), it is found that a unit shift in translation shows a change of rank. As we see, the word watch (in lower rank) in the source language is translated into a phrase jam tangan (in higher rank) in the target language.
            Unit shift is also found in the second example, the noun phrase an exhibition (higher rank) in source language is translated into a word pertunjukan which is a part of the lower rank in the target language. Intra-system Shifts
            Intra-system shift is the shift occurs internally, within a system: that is, for those cases where SL and TL possess systems which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but it does not occurs when translation involves the selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system (Catford, 1965:80). Moreover, in each language, the system is one of two terms, they are ‘singular’ and ‘plural’ and these terms are also regarded as formally corresponding.
            Redefining Textual Equivalence in Translation (1998) is a book written by Machali which contains statements about intra-system shift. He states that intra-system shift is used to indicate the shift that occurs internally within the system of the language concerned, which involves a selection of a non-corresponding word in the target language system. Below are the examples of intra-system shift:
1)      SL: Balinese people go to the exhibition.
TL: Orang Bali menonton pertunjukan itu. (Margono, 1999:15)
2)      SL: Tourists pay attention to the exhibition.
TL: Wisatawan menaruh perhatian kepada pertunjukan itu. (Margono, 1999:15)
            From both examples, it can be found that there are departures from the source language into target language. There is a corresponding plural form for people through a repetition of the word orang (orang-orang) in Indonesian, but the Indonesian language system shown it in a singular form orang. It also has a corresponding plural form for tourists through a repetition of the word wisatawan (wisatawan-wisatawan) or using additional word para + wisatawan in Indonesian, but  the system of Indonesian language is still shown it in a singular form wisatawan.


In chapter I and II, I have discussed and presented the definitions and functions of suffix [-nya], and several definitions of translation. I have also presented many kinds of translation of suffix [-nya]. As having been presented previously, the data were taken from a bilingual novel, entitled Kesatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh  by Dewi Lestari and its translation into English The Knight, the Princes and Falling Star by Aveling.
In relation to the topic of this research, that is about suffix [-nya] and its translation into English, it is found that suffix [-nya] can be attached with various word classes, and it is variously translated into English. They can be seen in the following sub-chapters.

3.1 Suffix [-nya] as possessive pronoun is translated into His, Her, and Their
Suffix [-nya] is a possessive pronoun of a singular or plural person. This suffix [-nya] has several functions within the noun phrase. It can function as third person possessive pronoun. Suffix [-nya] as a possessive pronoun is translated into his, her, and their

3.1.1 Suffix [-nya] is Translated into His
Suffix [-nya] as possessive shows the possession of the singular or plural and is translated into his. Suffix [-nya] in example below refers to third person singular.
1)      SL: Wajahnya yang manis membuat ia tampak tersipu-sipu (Lestari, 2001: 2)
TL: His pink complexion made him look like a baby (Aveling, 2010: 13)
2)      SL: Perlahan Ruben mengangkat kedua tangannya (Lestari, 2001: 7)
TL: Ruben cautiously raised his hands (Aveling, 2010: 16)
3)      SL: Fisiknya adalah gambar proyeksi semata (Lestari, 2001: 7)
TL: His body was nothing more than projected image (Aveling, 2010: 16)
4)      SL: Inspirassi halus yang hinggap disukmanya telah mengaplifikasi seluruh system pemahaman yang ia miliki (Lestari, 2001: 7)
TL: A subtle insight settled in his soul and amplified……. (Aveling, 2010: 16)
5)      SL: Dimas tidak langsung menjawab, dengan tawa lebar ia mengluarkan sesuatu dari tasnya. Sebuah buku cerita anak- anak kumal dengan sampul plastik keruh (Lestari,2001:58)
TL: Without saying a word, Dhimas took an old comic book from his briefcase. Despite its faded cover (Aveling, 2010:)

In example number (1) there is suffix [-nya] in the word wajahnya which carries possessive meaning. Wajahnya comes from the base wajah and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. Thus wajahnya means his pink. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into possessive pronoun his. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word wajahnya which consists of single word is translated into his pink in English which is a phrase.
If we look at the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive adjective his pink. We can see that his in English also expresses possessive and followed by adjective pink. We can also state here that the translator uses idiomatic translation in translating the suffix [-nya] into target language he translated based on the context in the source language.    
In example number (2) there is suffix [-nya] in the word tangannya which shows possessive meaning. Tangannya comes from the base tangan and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And tangannya means his hand. From the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and in English translation the word Tangannya is translated into his hands. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word tangannya which consists of single word is translated into his hands in English which a phrase
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his hands. And we can see also that his in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun hands. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
The same case is happened in example (3) there is suffix [-nya] in the word fisiknya which explain possessive meaning. fisiknya comes from the base fisik and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And fisiknya means his body. At the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word fisiknya is translated into his body. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word fisiknya which consists of single word is translated into his hands in English which is a phrase.
And in the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his body. And we can see also that his in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun body. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
In example number (4) there is suffix [-nya] in the word sukmanya which shows possessive meaning. Sukmanya comes from the base sukma and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And sukmanya means his soul. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and in its translation in English the word sukmanya is translated into his soul. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word sukmanya which consists of single word is translated into his soul in English which is a phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his soul. And we can see also that his in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun soul. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
In example number (5) there is suffix [-nya] in the word tasnya which shows possessive meaning. Tasnya comes from the base tas and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And tasnya means his briefcase. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word tasnya is translated into his briefcase. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word tasnya which consists of single word is translated into his briefcase in English which is phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun his briefcase. And we can see also that his in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun briefcase. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.

3.1.2 Suffix [-nya] is Translated into Her
Suffix [-nya] is as possessive shows the possession of the singular or plural is translated into her. Suffix [-nya] in this example below refer to third person singular.
1)      SL: Jelaslah ia tak akan bisa menghubungi Rana keponselnya, apalagi rumahnya ( Lestari, 2001: 24)
TL: Obviously he couldn’t ring her, not on her cell phone, not at home (Aveling, 2010: 28)
2)      SL: Rana” Suaranya bergetar. Perlahan ia mengeluarkan peralatannya, buku catatan…..(Lestari, 2001: 30)
TL: I’m Rana she replied. Her voice quivered. Slowly she set out her equipment, a not book….. (Aveling, 2010: 32)
3)      SL: Hari ini, Rana berulang tahun. Sementara suaminya kontraktor yang sedang mengerjakan proyek masjid raya di Surabaya………(Lestari, 2001: 150)
TL: Today was Rana’s birthday. Her husband was overseeing the building of a mosque in Surabaya………… (Aveling, 2010: 121)
4)      SL: Bahkan alat perekamnya belum dinyalakan (Lestari, 2001: 32)
TL: She had not even turned on her tape recorder (Aveling, 2010: 33)
5)      SL: Aku jemput pukul tujuh?” Suaminya Arwin berkata (Lestari, 2001: 48)
TL: I’ll pick you up at seven OK?” Asked Arwin, her husband (Aveling, 2010: 45)
In example number (1) there is suffix [-nya] in the word ponselnya which carries possessive meaning. Ponselnya comes from the base ponsel and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. Thus ponselnya means her cell phone. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into possessive pronoun her. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word ponselnya which consists of single word is translated into her cell phone in English which is a phrase.
If we look at the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive adjective her cell phone. We can see that her in English also expresses possessive and followed by noun cell phone. We can also state here that the translator uses idiomatic translation in translating the suffix [-nya] into target language he translated based on the context in the source language.    
In example number (2) there is suffix [-nya] in the word suaranya which shows possessive meaning. Suaranya comes from the base suara and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And suaranya means her voice. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word suaranya is translated into her voice. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word suaranya which consists of single word is translated into her voice in English which is phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her voice. And we can see also that her in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun voice. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
We look at example (3) there is suffix [-nya] in the word suaminya which shows possessive meaning. Suaminya comes from the base suami and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And suaminya means her husband. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word suaminya is translated into her husband. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word suaminya which consists of single word is translated into her husband in English which is phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her husband. And we can see also that her in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun husband. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
There is suffix [-nya] in example (4) in the word perekamnya which shows possessive meaning. Perekamnya comes from the base perekam and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And perekamnya means her tape recorder. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word perekamnya is translated into her tape recorder. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word perekamnya which consists of single word is translated into her tape recorder in English which is a phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her tape recorder. And we can see also that her in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun tape recorder. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
The same case happens in example number (5) there is suffix [-nya] in the word suaminya which shows possessive meaning. Suaminya comes from the base suami and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And suaminya means her husband. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word suaminya is translated into her husband. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word suaminya which consists of single word is translated into her husband in English which is a phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun her husband. And we can see also that her in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun husband. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
3.1.3        Suffix[-nya] is Translated into Their
Suffix [-nya] is as possessive shows the possession of the singular or plural is translated into their. Because suffix [-nya] in example bellow refers to third person plural.
1)      SL: Mendekatkan mereka pada impiannya saja. Itu saja (Lestari, 2001:32)
TL: Bring them closer to their fantasies. That’s all (Aveling, 2010: 33)
2)      SL: Kamu tahu kalau orang-orang yang sedang bermeditasi itu kadar serotonim diotaknya langsung meningkat (Lestari, 2001: 8)
TL: Do you know that people who meditate are simply building up serotonin in their brains (Aveling, 2010: 17)
3)      SL: Individu selalu dibangun oleh lingkungannya, bukan begitu? (Lestari, 2001: 17)
TL: Individuals are always shaped be their society, aren’t they? (Aveling, 2010: 23)
4)      SL: Satu – satunya yang layak didagangkan jadi Cuma fisiknya. (Lestari, 2001: 68)
TL: The only thing they can sell is their body. (Aveling, 2010: 61)
In example number (1) there is suffix [-nya] in the word impiannya which carries possessive meaning. Impiannya comes from the base impian and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. Thus impiannya means their fantasies. In the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into possessive pronoun their. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word impiannya which consists of single word is translated into their fantasies in English which is a phrase
If we look at the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their fantasies. We can see that their in English also expresses possessive and followed by noun fantasies. We can also state here that the translator uses idiomatic translation in translating the suffix [-nya] into target language he translated based on the context in the source language.    
We look at example (2) there is suffix [-nya] in the word otaknya which shows possessive meaning. Otaknya comes from the base otak and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And otaknya means their brains. And if we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word otaknya is translated into their brains. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word otaknya which consists of single word is translated into their brains in English which is a phrase.
From the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their brains. And we can see also that their in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun brains. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
In example (3) there is suffix [-nya] in the word lingkungannya which explain possessive meaning. Lingkungannya comes from the base lingkungan and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And lingkungannya means their society. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word lingkungannya is translated into their society. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word lingkungannya which consists of single word is translated into their society in English which is a phrase.
And in the translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their society. And we can see also that heir in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun society. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
And in example (4) there is suffix [-nya] in the word fisiknya which shows possessive meaning. Fisiknya comes from the base fisik and suffix [-nya], the base here is a noun and suffix [-nya] here has function as possessive pronoun. And fisiknya means their body. If we look at the syntactic function, [-nya] functions as suffix and if we look at its English translation the word fisiknya is translated into their body. So suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word fisiknya which consists of single word is translated into their body in English which is a phrase
In translation, suffix [-nya] in the source language is translated into possessive pronoun their body. And we can see also that their in English also expresses possessive and the base is noun body. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation because it is translated based on meaning of word.
3.2        Suffix[-nya] is translated into Object Pronoun
Suffix [-nya] functioning as object pronoun can be gotten after noun in active sentences. It has the meaning of dia. It is translated into object pronoun like her, him etc.
1)      SL: “Mbak Diva” seorang perempuan dengan kartu panitia tergantung di leher menyambutnya. (Lestari, 2001: 82)
TL:” Diva darling”. A woman with an AID card dangling around her neck rushed to meet her. (Aveling, 2010: 70)
2)      SL: Diva sudah kenal beberapa penjual yang mengizinkannya duduk di balai- balai kecil mereka.(Lestari, 2001:162)
TL: Diva knew some of the sellers well and they allowed her to sit on their wooden benches (Aveling, 2010: 128)
3)      SL: Hanya saat seperti ini yang mampu menggerakkannya (Lestari, 2001:163)
TL: Moments like this could move her to prayer (Aveling, 2010: 129)
4)      SL: Sepuluh tahun berlalu, dan senyum itu tetap sama. Senyum yang mengantarkannya naik ke podium …….(Lestari, 2001:13)
TL: Ten years had passed and the smile was still there: the proud smile that had tracked him on the podium……… (Aveling, 2010:21)
5)      SL: Kesatria memohon pada angin. Angin mengajarinya berkeliling mengitari bumi, lebih tinggi dari gunung dan awan (Lestari, 2001:36)
TL: He asked the wind to teach him to fly. The wind taught him to fly around the world, to fly over the mountains and above the clouds (Aveling, 2010:36)
Example number (1) suffix [-nya] in the word menyambutnya is translated into her. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which has the meaning dia. So suffix [-nya] becomes object pronoun dia. It can be gotten after noun leher. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word menyambutnya which consists of single word is translated into meet her in English which is a phrase. When it is translated into English suffix [-nya] in the word menyambutnya it translated into meet her. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which is stated by word her it can be gotten after noun her neck.  So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language because it is translated based on meaning of word.
We can see suffix [-nya] in example number (2) in the word mengizinkannya is translated into her. Suffix [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which has the meaning dia. So suffix [-nya] becomes object pronoun dia. It can be gotten after noun beberapa penjual. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word mengizinkanya which consists of single word is translated into allowed her in English which is a phrase. When it is translated into English suffix [-nya] in the word mengizinkannya it translated into allowed her. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which is stated by word her it can be gotten after noun they.  So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language because it is translated based on meaning of word.
In example number (3) it can be found that suffix [-nya] in the word mengantarkannya is translated into him. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which has the meaning dia. So suffix [-nya] becomes object pronoun dia. It can be gotten after noun senyum. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word mengantarkannya which consists of single word is translated into tracked him in English which a phrase. When it is translated into English suffix [-nya] in the word mengantarkannya it translated into tracked him. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which is stated by word him it can be gotten after noun the proud smile.  So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language because it is translated based on meaning of word.
If we look at the source language in example number (4) suffix [-nya] in the word mengajarinya is translated into him. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which has the meaning dia. So suffix [-nya] becomes object pronoun dia. It can be gotten after noun angin. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word mengajarinya which consists of single word is translated into taught him in English which is a phrase. When it is translated into English suffix [-nya] in the word mengajarinya it translated into taught him. The [-nya] in this case functions as object pronoun which is stated by word him it can be gotten after noun the wind.  So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language because it is translated based on meaning of word.

3.3        Suffix[-nya] as Indicator of Definiteness is Translated into Article The
The function of suffix [-nya] as an indicator of definiteness is put after preposition which explain about what the speaker feel and see. Suffix [-nya] in this case is translated into article the.
1)      SL: Sesosok putri cantik yang kesepian bersinar bagaikan gugus orion ditengah kelamnya galaksi (Lestari, 2001: 37)
TL: The beauty of the lonely princess. The princess shone like Andromeda in the darkness of outer space (Aveling, 2010: 36)
2)      SL: Yang artinya lagi (dan lagi), apa yang anda ingin cari tidak berada di luar sana. Sebaliknya, sangat dekat, tak berjarak (Lestari, 2001:195)
TL: This means yet again (and again) that what we are seeking does not exist outside ourselves. On the contrary, it is very close (Aveling, 2010: 151)
In example number (1) in the word kelamnya, suffix [-nya] functions as indicator of definiteness. It is put after preposition ditengah. Kelamnya in the source language is translated into the darkness in the target language. Suffix [-nya] as an indicator of definiteness which is found in the word kelamnya here is comparable with the English the. So, we can state here that the translator uses idiomatic translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word kelamnya which consists of single word is translated into the darkness in English which is a phrase.
In example number (2) in the word sebaliknya, suffix [-nya] functions as indicator of definiteness It is put after preposition diluar sana. Sebaliknya in the source language is translated into the contrary in the target language. Suffix [-nya] as an indicator of definiteness which is found in the word sebaliknya here is comparable with the English the. So, we can state here that the translator uses idiomatic translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word sebaliknya which consists of single word is translated into the contrary in English which is a phrase.

3.4        Suffix[-nya] as Agentive Object is Translated She and He
The [-nya] as agentive object means the [-nya] as the agent of the action. The meaning of the [-nya] here is dia. The [-nya] in this case is translated into she and he.
1)      SL: Tawa Re langsung punah. Dengan penuh kesadaran, pelan- pelan  ditutupnya pintu kamar mandi itu (Lestari, 2001:146)
TL: Ferre’s laughter vanished. Deliberately, he closed the bathroom door (Aveling, 2010: 119)
2)      SL: Saya belum terlambat, kan? Tanyanya setengah panik (Lestari, 2001:29)
TL: “I’m not too late, am I? She asked Ferre’s secretary with panic (Aveling, 2010: 32)
3)      SL: “Rana,” panggilnya lembut (Lestar, 20001: 54)
TL: “Rana,” he called softly (Aveling, 2010: 49)
4)      SL: “ Manusia- manusia malang,” ujarnya berseri- seri (Lestari, 2001: 57)
TL: “The miserable wretches, he said with delight. (Aveling, 2010: 52)
5)      SL:”Ada apa? Komputernya mati? Belum di- save?” tanyanya panik (Lestari, 2001: 132)
TL: “What’s wrong?’ he asked in a panic. “ Has the computer died? Did you forget to save something? (Aveling, 2010:108)
If we look at the source language in example (1) we found suffix [-nya] in the word ditutupnya. Ditutupnya here means ditutup oleh dia. So the [-nya] here is showed by agentive object dia. In this sentences ditutupnya is translated into he closed in target language.  And in this sentence he becomes agent of the action. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word ditutupnya which consists of single word is translated into he closed in English which is a phrase. So the [-nya] becomes subject pronoun he. We can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word.
In example number (2) suffix [-nya] in the word tanyanya. Tanyanya here means ditanya oleh dia. So the [-nya] here is showed by agentive object dia. In this sentence tanyanya is translated into she in target language. And in this sentence she becomes agent of the action. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word tanyanya which consists of single word is translated into she asked in English which is a phrase. So the [-nya] becomes subject pronoun she. We can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word.
If we look at the example number (3) we found suffix [-nya] in the word panggilnya. Panggilnya here means dipanggil oleh dia. So the [-nya] here is showed by agentive object dia. In this sentences panggailnya is translated into he called in target language.  And in this sentence he becomes agent of the action. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word ditutupnya which consists of single word is translated into he called in English which is a phrase. So the [-nya] becomes subject pronoun he. We can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word.
In example number (4) we found suffix [-nya] in the word ujarnya. Ujarnya here means dikatakan oleh dia. So the [-nya] here is showed by agentive object dia. In this sentences ujarnya is translated into he said in target language.  And in this sentence he becomes the agent of the action. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word ujarnya which consists of single word is translated into he said in English which is a phrase. So the [-nya] becomes subject pronoun he. We can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word.
In example number (5) we found suffix [-nya] in the word tanyanya. Tanyanya here means ditanya oleh dia. So the [-nya] here is showed by agentive object dia. In this sentences tanyanya is translated into he asked in target language.  And in this sentence he becomes agent of the action. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word tanyanya which consists of single word is translated into he asked in English which is a phrase. So the [-nya] becomes subject pronoun he. We can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word.

3.5  Suffix[-nya] as Determiner is translated into article The
As a determiner, the function of suffix [-nya] is usually followed by noun. The [-nya] in this case is comparable to English the
1)      SL: “Artikelnya sudah berbulan-bulan yang lalu dimuat. Aku harus melihat mereka beduaan tiga hari yang lalu…..(Lestari, 2001: 154)
TL: “the article appeared months ago. I saw them together two or three days ago (Aveling, 2010: 123)
2)      SL: Kalau saja ceritanya lain, Re yakin malam ini ia dan Rana akan dinobatkan menjadi pasangan dengan jalan paling terseret…..(Lestari, 2001:165)
TL: Had the story been different, Ferre’ was sure that he and Rana would have won first prize for the way they walked (Aveling, 2010: 131)
3)      SL: Kemerdekaan itu kuncinya (Lestari, 2001:113)
TL: That’s the key (Aveling, 2010: 93)
4)      SL: Kalau kesatria tidak mampu mendarat tepat di putrinya ia akan mati (Lestari, 2001: 36)
TL: If the knight couldn’t land right in front of the princess he would surely die (Aveling, 2010: 37)
In example number (1) we find suffix [-nya] which functions as determiner because it is followed by the noun article when it is translated into English, the word artikelnya is translated into the article in the target language. If we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into the. So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word artikelnya which consists of single word is translated into the article in English which is phrase.
We also find suffix [-nya] which functions as determiner because it is followed by the noun story when it is translated into English in example number (2). In the word ceritanya is translated into the story in the target language, and if we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into the. The here determines about something that has been discussed. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word ceritanya which consists of single word is translated into the story in English which is a phrase
Suffix [-nya] which functions as determiner because it is followed by the noun key when it is translated into English, it is also found in example number that (3) we can see it in the word kuncinya translated into the key in the target language. If we look at its English translation are can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into the. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated it based on the meaning of word. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word kuncinya which consists of single word is translated into the key in English which is a phrase
And in the last example we also find suffix [-nya] which functions as determiner because it is followed by the noun princess when it is translated into English. In the word putrinya is translated into the princess in the target language, and if we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into the. The here determines about something that has been discussed. We can also state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word. In this sentence there is unit shift from the word putrinya which consists of single word is translated into the princess in English which is a phrase

3.6  The translation of [-nya] as Adverbializer
Suffix [-nya] functioning as adverbializer means that the suffix [-nya] is used to form an adverbial phrase or object complement, such as adverb of manner.
1)      SL: Saking bersinarnya mukamu, semua orang disini sampai silau” (Lestari, 2001: 109)
TL: But your face is shining so brightly, you  could dazzle us all (Aveling, 2010: 90)
2)      SL: Kasur pegas yang empuk itu akhirnya beristirahat setelah menandak- nandak beberapa jam yang lalu (Lestari, 2001:75)
TL: The springs of the luxurious mattress finally came to rest after the beating they had taken (Aveling, 2010: 63)
3)      SL: Bertolak dari premis bahwa sesungguhnya waktu tidak ada (Lestari, 2001:121)
TL: It begins from the premise that, in fact, time does not exist (Aveling, 2010:100)
4)      SL: Aku ingin memilikimu. Akhirnya kalimat itu yang terucap (Lestari, 2001:218)
TL: I want for myself. He had finally said it (Lestari, 2001:167)

In example number (1), we find in the word bersinarnya in source language which means shining in the target language. We can look at the syntactic function, suffix [-nya] functions as adverbializer because the word shining stresses the word your face in the sentence as an adverb. So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word. In this example there is not a shift.
In example number (2), suffix [-nya] in the word akhirnya also functions as adverbializer because the word finally stresses the word to rest in the sentence. In the word akhirnya translated into finally. In the target language .Akhirnya which belongs to adverbial is translated into finally which also belong to adverbial in English. The word akhirnya is derived from the word akhir + suffix [-nya] and it is translated into finally which is combined with the word final + suffix [-ly]. The word akhir is translated into final and suffix [-nya] is translated into suffix [-ly]. We can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language it’s translated it based on the meaning of word. In this example there is not a shift.
The same case happens in example number (3), the word sesungguhnya which has suffix [-nya] as adverbializer because the word in fact stresses the word time does not exist in the sentence when it is translated into in fact in English. In fact here belongs to adverb in English. So, we can state here that the translator uses idiomatic translation in translating the suffix [-nya] into target language he translated based on the context in the source language. In this sentence there are unit shift from the word sesungguhnya which consists of single word is translated into in fact in English which is a phrase.

Suffix [-nya] as adverbializer also occurs in example number (4), suffix [-nya] in the word akhirnya also functions as adverbializer because the word finally stresses the noun it in the sentence. In the word akhirnya is translated into finally in the target language. Akhirnya which belongs to adverbial is translated into finally which also belongs to adverbial in English.  The word akhinya is derived from the word akhir + suffix [-nya] and it is translated into finally which is combined with the word final + suffix [-ly]. So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word. In this example there is not shift.

3.7  Suffix[-nya] as indefinite number
Suffix [-nya] in this discussion is as indefinite number. Several indefinite numbers can occur as pronouns, in which case they have taken suffix [-nya]
1)      SL: Apa yang anda butuhkan semuanya sudah tersedia (Lestari, 2001:194)
TL: You already have everything you need (Aveling, 2010: 152)
2)      SL: Roh itu, tak pernah mati. Tak pernah pergi. Ia segalanya. Harus pergi kemanalagi? (Lestari, 2001:309)
TL: The spirit never dies. Never. It is everything. Where can it go? (Aveling, 2010: 233)
In example number (1) we find suffix [-nya] in the word semuanya which means everything in the target language. If we look at the syntactic function, suffix [-nya] here functions as an indefinite number, and we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into everything. So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning of word.
In the last example we find suffix [-nya] in the word segalanya which means everything in the target language. If we look at the syntactic function, suffix [-nya] here functions as an indefinite number, and we look at its English translation we can see that suffix [-nya] is translated into everything. So, we can state here that the translator uses literal translation, in translating suffix [-nya] into the target language. It is translated based on the meaning word.

4.1 Conclusion
After analyzing the translation of Indonesian suffix [-nya] into English in chapter III, it is found that suffix[-nya] can be attached to various bases. Its clitic is also various. Seeing the analysis in chapter III there are some points that can be concluded in this chapter. The conclusion involves: In general, suffix [-nya] has functions: as possessive pronoun, object pronoun, indicator of definiteness,  an adjective objective,  indefinite number,  determiner, and  an adverb.
If we look at the translation, suffix [-nya] found in a bilingual novel are variously translated into English. Suffix [-nya] functions as possessive pronoun are translated into his, her, and their,. Suffix [-nya] functions as object pronoun, the [-nya] as has meaning dia and suffix [-nya] functions as object pronoun her or his. Suffix[-nya] functions as indicator of definiteness is translated into article the,   Suffix[-nya] functions as adjective object is translated into she and he. Suffix [-nya] functions as indefinite number is translated into this. Suffix[-nya] functions as determiner translated into article the. Suffix[-nya] as an adverb is translated into adverbial phrase or object of complement.
Based on the translation, there is literal and idiomatic translation from the word tangannya in Indonesian is translated into his hands in English using literal translation and word wajahnya in Indonesian is translated into his pink in English using idiomatic translation. And there are some unit shifts in the data, for examples the word suaranya is translated into her voice, word suaminya is translated into her husband, word otaknya is translated into their brains.
4.2 Suggestion
To know and comprehend more detail about translation we must have special programs in the order to be able to spread out the English effectively. Moreover we are the student’s of English Department, required to be able to use English grammatically, at least we are capable to transfer it to the listener effectively and our expression is acceptable.
It is better for us as the learner not to waste the time; we must be able to speak English very well. That is why as students you should study hard to get your success.


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